
Colorful construction technology

2021-12-03 14:23:25 和记官网 Viewd 1484

1. Construction technology

1. Preparation before construction

1.1 Technical preparation

1.1.1 Drawing review

Review the drawings according to the effect of each facade of the exterior wall and the plane drawings, and determine the color of each area and the position of the color separation band according to the position of each axis. For the color distribution and purpose of the design of the facade by Party A and the design, the technicians must use color pens to draw the color of the facade paint on each floor plan and each elevation, and mark the paint color number to avoid construction. When the paint color is painted incorrectly, the phenomenon occurs.

1.1.2 Site survey

Before the start of construction, a site survey should be carried out, the base surface should be checked and accepted, the layout arrangement should be arranged according to the site conditions, and a special construction plan should be prepared to determine the grass-roots repair method, rectification measures and progress plan.

1.1.3 Technical disclosure

Before the construction team enters the construction site, the technical disclosure work shall be carried out. First, the technical director of Mandeli Company shall make a written disclosure to the team leaders of each construction team in the field office, and focus on all the technical content of the project. The content must have written meeting minutes, and all participants must sign and keep the file after the text is formed; then, the construction team leader will make an oral disclosure to the construction personnel at the construction site, and our company's technical personnel must also participate in the disclosure meeting. The wrong content of the technical disclosure will be corrected in time, and the construction process, operation method and key content will be emphasized and reiterated to ensure that all the construction personnel participating in the meeting have a good understanding of the disclosure content, and the construction methods and acceptance criteria must be unified and clear. . In addition, subsequent construction personnel entering the site must also undergo technical disclosure and pre-job training before they can take up their jobs.

1.1.4 On-site sample production and coating rate test

After completing the technical disclosure work, the project manager, Mandeli on-site technicians, construction team leaders, etc. will select a suitable site at the construction site to make the on-site model. During the production, all personnel must carefully observe the completed effect. Personally calculate the coating rate of the sample and the amount of putty, etc. The qualified sample must be protected and reserved for comparison.

1.1.5 Party A, design and supervision personnel confirm the model

After the completion of the model, Party A, the design and supervision personnel shall be invited to evaluate the model produced on site in time. If it is considered that it conforms to the appearance effect of the construction of the project, the construction and supervision and management of the model should be strictly followed (the model and the actual construction). The model will be made again until the requirements of Party A, design and supervision personnel are met before the construction of the exterior wall coating can be started.

1.1.6 Preliminary calculation of coating area and material quantity

Preliminarily calculate the paint area of each color according to the drawings determined with Party A and the design, determine the approximate total quantity of various materials that need to be prepared, and then notify the factory for stocking and production.

1.2 Material Preparation

1.2.1 Material production and delivery

After determining the color and model of various coatings, the factory will arrange production and delivery according to the quantity of materials on the order and the required arrival time, and stock up according to the actual situation of the project to meet the needs of the project.

1.2.2 On-site management of materials

The on-site material personnel must do a good job in the statistical work of material inventory every day, and report to the painting project manager and technical director in time, so that our company's on-site personnel can control the material demand within the next week and apply to the factory for delivery in time , to ensure sufficient materials on site, to avoid the occurrence of situations affecting the construction period and missed work.

All materials arriving at the site must be put into storage in time, and the warehouse must have the function of storing paint (satisfying the best conditions for paint storage). Sign. Try to ensure that the materials are not wrong, and that each batch of materials can be used on the same building or on the same facade (an important measure to avoid chromatic aberration).

In addition, the materials stacked in the on-site warehouse must be handled overhead for moisture-proof treatment.

1.3 Preparation of construction equipment

Before the start of construction, the project management personnel will arrange the position of the hanging baskets according to the construction period and architectural drawings, and calculate the number of hanging baskets and the number of mixing tools. Normal start of painting.

1.4 Preparation of construction team and management personnel

After receiving the notice of winning the bid, immediately select excellent construction teams from the company's construction team storage table, determine the number of construction teams and construction personnel according to the size of the area, and dispatch experienced project managers, technical leaders and construction team leaders to station on site.
